
The play centres around Adani, a wealthy hypochondriac obsessed with his imaginary illnesses. He is manipulated by Doctors Pagoni and Feruzi, who exploit his fear of sickness for financial gain. Adani decides to marry off his eldest daughter, Angelica, to Thomas Dafrosi, a soon-to-be doctor and son of Dr Dafrosi, in order to secure free medical care. But, Angelica is in love with Clinton, an actor and the inevitable chaos ensues.
Préparez-vous à explorer l’univers comique et satirique de Molière avec cette adaptation originale du “Malade Imaginaire”. Suivez Argan, un hypocondriaque convaincu, entouré de médecins excentriques et de serviteurs ingénieux. Rires et réflexions au rendez-vous !
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